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Jurassic Park

Release Date: June 10th, 1993

Director: Steven Spielberg

Screenwriter: Michael Crichton & David Koepp 

Genre: Adventure/Science fiction



It's possible that Jurassic Park is solely responsible for my love of horror films.


I can easily recall a seven year-old version of myself squirming and shrinking into a ball on the hard theatre seat during the opening sequence. I pulled the collar of my shirt up to my eyes and hoped the wailing raptor in that containment unit wouldn't escape right through the screen and into my lap. The night was dark, the wind was wild, and the enemy was waiting just around the corner. I was thrilled, and this moment created a life-long hunger for more.


Let it be known that I'm no fan of the summer blockbuster film, especially these days. Typically they are lazy, bland, and take no risks. I was pleased while re-watching Jurassic Park to be reminded of the pre-Michael Bay years when the big summer action film possessed brains in equal measure to its CGI muscle. 


Speaking of which, how do the visual effects in this film still look so good? The Phantom Menace was released six years after JP and those computer effects already look extremely dated. Aside from the technology being used in the cars and control center everything here stands up. Jurassic Park could be released today and inspire as much awe as it did  in 1993.


There's nothing really to critique here, the film is a classic for a reason. Well cast, written, and acted with outstanding visual effects and near perfect pacing. There's drama, tension, action, and humor but, more importantly, Jurassic Park respects its audience. I'm a real asshole about movies but admit to being thrilled and joyfully entertained by this film so many years after first seeing it.


All praise withstanding I must also acknowledge that it feels a lot like Raiders of the Lost Ark with dinosaurs. Sam Neill is Indy without the sex appeal and Spielberg has replaced the boulder chase with a charging t-rex. Who could blame him? It ain't broke.



Quick stats


5 Dead bodies

0 Breasts

1 Power outage

5 Goldblumisms

1 Failed game of fetch


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