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Quick stats


40 Dead bodies

1 Awkward phone call

2 Jedi mind tricks

- Lionel Richie-ing

- Gratuitous wildlife    footage


Evil Dead

Quick Stats


Dead bodies


Broken down vehicle

1 disrespectful daughter

2 Amateur medics

3 Morons

5 Phantom limbs

- Punching bag Jesus

- Undead guilt tripping

- Tongue-splitting

- Animal cruelty

- Nail Gunnery



Release Date: April 5th, 2013

Director: Fede Alvarez

Screenwriter: Fede Alvarez & Rodo Sayagues

Genre: Horror



Evil Dead is successful in the sense that it remains aesthetically true to the beloved original without leaning on the long-established iconography. Gone are the laughing deer heads, chainsaw-fitted arms, and chauvinistic catchphrases that genre fans loved about the original pictures. Absent as well is any noticeable sense of fun from these new-aged deadites or the helpless youths they terrorize.


For those who are disappointed in this aspect of the film I say, be grateful. If the filmmakers had decided to simply rip off the original it would have been a fool's errand. Instead, see that the experience is still defined by the most crucial element an Evil Dead fan could hope for: no mercy.


Evil Dead drew me in by focusing on relatable characters who are adapting to extreme circumstances. We're introduced to the standard crew of attractive twenty-somethings who find themselves secluded at the family cabin attempting to help their friend shake a drug habit.


Good enough premise. Hell, we might actually admire these youths for their commitment to clean living.


I made the mistake of rooting for these kids and soon felt the hot sting of betrayal when it devolved into the bumbling behavior horror victims are known for. I gnashed my teeth as lead characters refused to accept their situation and continued putting themselves in needless danger.


The movement in this film is infuriatingly predictable and manufactured only to create flimsy scares for the audience. You may say, "This is a horror movie, damnit! What's the problem with that?" Well, if there were one single ounce of suspense it might be forgivable but these sorry tactics only serve to frustrate and make the film overlong.


Despite these flaws I do think Evil Dead is only a few steps away from being great. It's held back by some poor acting and frustrating character action (inaction, mostly) but if you're a fan of the franchise it's hard not to enjoy this film.  As far as the violence goes the filmmakers are pretty brutal with these kids and, to their credit, the more frustrating the character the worse they get it in the end.


When it comes down to it I can forgive a lot of illogical bullshit in these types of films but let's be real here, if the scene near the end with the car battery doesn't make you want to trade in your Necronomicon for a copy of Good Housekeeping then I don't know what to tell you.









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